42 英尺 Bertram - Reel Crazy Too

42 Ft Bertram Sportsfisherman – spacious and well-designed – she has everything you need for a Fishing and Snorkeling vacation. Built-in 1979 - powered by twin 450 HP Cummins Engines, with a maximum cruising speed of 24 knots.

Dimensions: Length 42 Ft, Width 14 Ft.

A perfect boat to enjoy quality time with your friends and family. She comfortably accommodates 6 passengers. You will not only find fishing but also all the amenities of a regular private day charter.

AMENITIES: Bed, Bathroom, Shower, Air Conditioning, Kitchen, Refrigerator, Multimedia System

On hot days, the air-conditioning system inside will keep you cool & relax. There is plenty of space in the comfortable salon to relax in between bites.

The 14 Ft wide Cockpit has plenty of space to battle either the most-or the largest-fish.

Navigational: GPS, VHF, and EPIRB

Safety: Life Jackets, Fire Extinguishers, First Aid

Leisure: Snorkeling Equipment

About the Crew: Highly Experienced and Courteous crew - let them facilitate you to enjoy the most fun day on the water! They will also clean any catch for you to have cooked in one of the local restaurants.

How do we work?

  • Choose the boat of your choice
    Choose the boat of your choice
  • Fill in our simple booking request form
    Fill in our simple booking request form
  • We will confirm within a couple of hours
    We will confirm within a couple of hours
  • Pay deposit & balance at time of charter
    Pay deposit & balance at time of charter

Trip Details

这款 42 英尺 Bertram - 钓鱼运动配备了您在水上度过富有成效的一天所需的一切。它由双柴油发动机提供动力,可舒适地容纳六名乘客。该船完全装有空调,并配备了发声器、雷达、探鱼器、VHF 和 EPIRB。游艇以24节的巡航速度运行。

那些喜欢钓鱼的客户会对战斗椅、外伸支架、下降支架、大型飞桥以及顶级的 Penn 和 Shimano 钓竿/卷线器感到满意。

钓鱼之旅-船员擅长捕捞 Wahoo、梭鱼、帝王鱼、金枪鱼、鲯鳅鱼、旗鱼和马林鱼,并将清理任何捕获物,供您在当地餐厅之一烹制。

常规私人包机 -这艘船也可用于常规使用包机。租这艘船在海滩上度过家庭日、与海龟一起浮潜、日落航行或婚礼旅行,或者只是在您自己租船的私密环境中摆脱这一切。所有行程都包括半日游的小吃和饮料,他们在全日游中添加午餐。



儿童钓鱼之旅 -教您的孩子所有钓鱼知识

Reel Crazy Charters 提供旨在向您的孩子展示如何钓鱼并同时享受钓鱼乐趣的旅行。现在,您可以为您的孩子提供梦想之旅,带他们和我们一起在浅滩钓梭鱼、黄尾鱼、马眼鱼或稍深一些的浅滩钓鲈鱼和鲣鱼,享受良好的近海垂钓。我们的旅行对所有年龄段的孩子来说都是安全和友好的。观看他们带回梭鱼时的表情,或观看他们与超级强大的马眼千斤顶搏斗。我们将它们带到近海珊瑚礁,在那里您会遇到这些物种。

选择 4、6、8 小时套餐,您还可以添加浮潜。

4 小时钓鱼

  • $750 USD
  • 我们的 4 小时捕鱼包船从布里奇敦的码头出发,我们会在 5 分钟内前往捕鱼区。
    距离码头仅 10 分钟即可捕获 Wahoo、Mahi、金枪鱼、旗鱼和梭鱼等鱼类。
    此行程包括小吃、饮料、往返酒店的交通(布里奇敦 2 英里半径范围内)

    额外乘客费用 = 50 美元
Additional Passenger rate: 50 USD

烧烤您的渔获 钓鱼、浮潜和烧烤

  • $850 USD
  • 我们带您去寻找可捕获的东西,梭鱼、鲯鳅鱼或哇哇鱼。当我们吃饱并且您满意时,我们会带您进入海洋公园与海龟和沉船一起浮潜。
    包括:钓鱼、浮潜和烧烤。 5 小时旅行和 750 美元,最多 6 人。

    额外乘客费用 = 50 美元
Additional Passenger rate: 50 USD

6 小时钓鱼

  • $1100 USD
  • 我们的 6 小时捕鱼包船有更多时间来捕猎长嘴鱼、Wahoo、金枪鱼和 Mahi。
    在布里奇敦 2 英里半径范围内提供交通服务。

    额外乘客费用 = 50 美元
Additional Passenger rate: 50 USD

8 小时钓鱼

  • $1400 USD
  • 在海洋中狩猎长嘴鱼的终极一天。在舒适的环境中垂钓,将梦想中的蓝枪鱼带到船边。许多其他物种,如旗鱼、白枪鱼、Wahoo、鲯鳅鱼和金枪鱼。

    额外乘客费用 = 50 美元
Additional Passenger rate: 50 USD
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Choose Time & Date Of Boat Charter


Payment details

Default Rate: 800 USD

Pax Included in the default rate: 4

Additional Passenger rate: 80 USD

Base Price: 550 USD

Total Price: 550 USD


Balance: 550 USD